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Not Only But Psy
Dernière diffusion le ven. 14 juin 2024 à 23h00
Not Only But Psy
NOT ONLY BUT PSY - 12/01/2024
Diffusé le ven. 12 janv. 2024

Tracklist : Artist / Track / Album / Duration

  • Nebadon-X / Life After The Big Bang (Live Vocal Mix) / Life After The Big Bang / 08:18
  • Kezo Moon / Singularity / Guardian of Light / 06:47
  • Outtribe / Alien Base / Sirius Rising, Vol. 2 / 07:51
  • Yann / Space Architect / Space Drum / 08:35
  • Mana Source / The Thinking Universe / The Thinking Universe / 07:53
  • Hazedays / Ever So Loneley / Insight from Outsight / 07:51
  • Optimize & Trillian / Outdoor Rituals / Outdoor Rituals / 07:47
  • Muatoy / Celestial Conduit / Origination / 09:00
  • Alex / Let Me Take It / New Kid on the Block / 06:44
  • Jaraluca / Revival / Galactic Rave / 07:25
  • REGRESSIVE & Quantum Fracture / Infinite Self / Infinite Chaos / 07:10

Mix By TGC

  • Artiste / Titre du morceau / Album / Durée / BPM
  • Burn in Noise / Circles / Circles / 06:47 / 146,00
  • Jaraluca / Space And Time / Galactic Rave / 06:20 / 145,00
  • Mandala (UK) / Welcome To The Mushroom Show / Nano Sonic Sound System Vol. 13 / 09:00 / 146,00
  • Imaginarium / Mushrooms / Sirius Rising, Vol. 2 / 07:03 / 145,00
  • Imaginarium / Interdimensional Traveller / Nano Sonic Sound System Vol. 13 / 07:33 / 146,00
  • Illumination / Running Backwards / Nano Sonic Sound System Vol. 13 / 06:50 / 147,00
  • Pulsar / The Sign / Waves of Resonance, Vol. 6 / 07:37 / 145,00
  • Vertikka / Distant Alien / Waves of Resonance, Vol. 6 / 06:40 / 145,01
  • Hujaboy / Fall of the Giants / Sirius Rising, Vol. 2 / 07:17 / 145,00
  • Jaraluca / Mechanotronic (Remix) / Galactic Rave / 09:46 / 147,00