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Not Only But Psy
Dernière diffusion le ven. 14 juin 2024 à 23h00
Not Only But Psy
NOT ONLY BUT PSY - 12/05/2023
Diffusé le ven. 12 mai 2023

Tracklist : Artist / Track / Album / Duration

  • Basso / Noisespek / Noisespek / 6:15
  • Kezo Moon / Singularity / Guardian Of Light / 6:47
  • Flowwolf / Neturalia / World Of Psytrance 10 / 7:46
  • Pragmatix / Dance Is the Answer / VA Transition / 6:24
  • Aukan / Relativity of Time / Insane Place / 8:30
  • Braincell / Stomp on Dust / Spacesnake / 7:28
  • KoxBox / Skywatcher / Unusual Waves / 7:40
  • Spectra Sonics / Psychedelic Renaissance / Sonic Adventures / 7:44
  • Afreeca / An Alien Encounter / Africans & Aliens / 7:80
  • District Solaris / Annihilation / Fear the Machine / 7:43

Mix By TGC

there is quiet in the noise
Felt Out